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BIU Audit

Comprehensive Mobile & Web Audit Solution

BIU Audit App


Software Developer


2023 - 2024


React Native, Django, ReportLab, ApexCharts, SQLite, GPS Integration, Celery, S3

Project Overview

BIU Audit is a versatile platform designed to streamline the auditing process for various locations. The project includes a mobile application for conducting on-site audits with offline capabilities and a web application for detailed data analysis, dynamic form creation, and comprehensive reporting.

My role involved full-stack development across both the mobile and web components, focusing on enhancing functionality, reliability, and user experience.

Key Contributions

Mobile App Development

Developed a robust React Native mobile app with offline functionality, GPS tracking, and intelligent syncing to ensure seamless on-site audits regardless of connectivity. Implemented local storage with SQLite for reliable data management and efficient performance.

Dynamic Form Generation

Engineered a flexible system for dynamic form generation using JSON, allowing customizable audit criteria to suit various inspection needs. This adaptability was crucial for creating a user-friendly experience for auditors in the field.

Web Application Development

Built a Django-based web application that supports audit form management, comprehensive data analysis, and dynamic form creation. The application was designed to provide a seamless user experience for analysts and administrators.

PDF Report Generation

Integrated ReportLab for generating professional, detailed PDF reports from audit data, ensuring that stakeholders receive clear and actionable insights.

Data Visualization

Utilized ApexCharts to implement advanced data visualization, enhancing the ability of users to interpret audit results and make informed decisions based on analytics.

Django Upgrade

Upgraded the Django framework from version 1.1 to 4.2 LTS, significantly improving the web app's performance, security, and maintainability. This upgrade involved extensive refactoring of code and models to align with new best practices.

Technical Showcase: Django Upgrade

One of the most challenging aspects of this project was upgrading the Django web application from version 1.1 to 4.2 LTS. This process involved:

  • Carefully mapping deprecated features to their modern equivalents
  • Refactoring database models to align with new Django ORM practices
  • Updating view logic to leverage class-based views for improved code organization
  • Implementing new security features introduced in later Django versions
  • Extensive testing to ensure 100% functionality across all features and services

Challenges and Solutions

A major challenge was maintaining reliable offline capabilities in the mobile app. This was achieved by implementing a robust local storage solution with SQLite and developing intelligent sync mechanisms that prioritize data integrity and minimize conflicts during data synchronization.

Developing a system that allows for the creation and management of dynamic forms across both mobile and web platforms required careful design. A user-friendly drag-and-drop interface was developed for the web app, which seamlessly integrated with the mobile app for consistent form handling and data collection.

Integrated Celery and Celery Beat for scheduling and managing background tasks, including report generation, email notifications, and subscription management, ensuring the platform runs smoothly without user intervention.

Results and Impact

While specific user statistics and performance metrics are confidential, the BIU Audit platform has significantly optimized the auditing process for clients. The web app's analytics features have greatly improved decision-making processes by providing detailed, real-time insights. The successful Django upgrade has also ensured the platform remains secure and maintainable, ready to meet future needs and regulatory requirements.